EFRS webinārs

EFRS radiācijas aizsardzības vebināru sērija
(sadarbībā ar Starptautisko atomenerģijas aģentūru (IAEA) un EuroSafe Imaging).
EFRS sadarbībā ar IAEA Pacientu radiācijas aizsardzības apakšnodaļu un EuroSafe Imaging piedāvā 2020. gada vebināru sēriju par radiācijas aizsardzību.
EFRS radiācijas aizsardzības vebināru sērijas mērķis ir kalpot kā papildus rīkam, lai uzlabotu radiogrāferu zināšanas, prasmes un kompetences šajā jomā. Vebināru sērija kalpo arī kā radiogrāferu profesionālās attīstības iespēja.
Pirmā sērija: Radiācijas aizsardzība datortomogrāfijā, 2020. gada 31. martā, 8:00 PM CET (21:00 pēc Latvija laika).
Vebināram ir jāreģistrējās: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1916462366799322893

First free access webinar 31-03-2020

Episode 1: Radiation protection in CT
Mar 31st, 2020 8:00 PM CET (check your time zone)
Dear Colleagues,
In the absence over the coming months of many conferences and educational events taking place, it is my pleasure to announce the launch of the:
EFRS Radiation Protection Webinar Series
(in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and EuroSafe Imaging).
The EFRS, in collaboration with the Radiation Protection of Patients Unit of the IAEA and EuroSafe Imaging, are pleased to present our 2020 Webinar Series on Radiation Protection.
The aim of the EFRS Radiation Protection Webinar Series is to act as an additional tool to improve the knowledge, skills, and competences of radiographers in this field. The Webinar Series will also serve as a continuing professional development (CPD) for radiographers. As well as engaging with these webinars ‘live’, there will also be the possibility of engaging with them at a later stage through recordings which will be available for many colleagues, who may have clinical and other commitments at the time of the live broadcasts.
We look forward to welcoming as many radiographers  as possible to our EFRS Radiation Protection Webinar Series.
Best regards,
Jonathan McNulty
The first two topics in the EFRS Radiation Protection Webinar Series will be on:
·        Radiation Protection in Computed Tomography (5 episodes)
·        Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy (5 episodes)
All Webinars will be delivered at 20:00 CET (check your time zone) and certificates of participation will be issued for each webinar.
Attached you find the full schedule for the five Computed Tomography and five Radiotherapy webinars.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.