Starptautiskā radioloģijas diena
Sveicam Starptautiskajā Radiologu dienā, kas šogad veltīta Radiologu un Radiogrāferu lomai Covid-19 pandēmijā!
Paldies kolēgiem, kas pašaizliedzīgi turpina sniegt palīdzību pacientiem augsta inficēšanās riska apstākļos!Valde
Every year on the 8th of November, the day on which Wilhem Conrad Röntgen discovered the X-rays in 1895, we pay attention the huge contribution of radiographers to health care. This year 2020 even the more because of the COVID pandemic.Usually events for the public are organised in the hospitals this day to show them what the relatively unknown Radiographer profession is about, but this year there are too many limitations under COVID restrictions to do so. Hopefully next year November the world is back to normal.EFRS